Wii U mods?

Mr. Hooker

Active Member
I got the Wii u Zelda edition bundle a few days ago. Console "MOD. WUP 101(02) 32 gb" GamePad "MODEL WUP-010(USA)". In fact I'm using it to make this post. I'm planing on buying a 2nd console to mod into a laptop with a 17" to 21" led HDMI screen to tote around. The ac power adapter puts out 15v 5a. I wold like to see if I can keep it working at a lower voltage if at all possible. My question is has anyone here started to do any hardware mods to the Wii U yet?
Not really. There was a thread earlier on in the year that was talking about trimming the motherboard but that seemed to hit some bumps in the road and/or just stop
It was the wii and I am totally interested but I never received the board I was going to use. Anyone have a dead wii board?
Oh my mistake...in that case I have no idea. I am sure someone made a WiiU laptop before but for actual mods I didnt hear anymore.