Which screen is better to use for an n64p

Want a big or small portable? If the portable is gonna be small anyways, use the ps1 screen, if you are good at electronics and wanna make it small, use the 3.5". The 3.5" also takes less electricity, giving you more battery life.
hidiosoman said:
Want a big or small portable? If the portable is gonna be small anyways, use the ps1 screen, if you are good at electronics and wanna make it small, use the 3.5". The 3.5" also takes less electricity, giving you more battery life.
i think you meant to say big here correct?
i will probably do the ps1 screen because it comes with speakers and such
Yeah, thanks for catching that, I wrote that wrong. And speakers can be gotten from those 3rd party iPod speakers but they aren't as high of quality.
It's all up to you, though. I always think the bigger the screen, the better, but at the same time there's batterylife and portability... If you aren't gonna trim the n64 board very much or at all, it's not worth it to have a tiny screen on the large area of the front.

That said, you can also trim the PSone screen, but I've always failed at that. A nice example of PSone screen trimming is Sifuf's portable. (But he is an electrical engineer I believe so his is very professional)