Under volt on my screen


So I got my screen in the mail today! There was a slight problem, when I hooked the power up to 8v the picture was extremely white and almost looked like a faded negative. So I tried powering it with the GameCube power cable (12v) and it worked perfectly! What should I do considering I am going to use only two 3.7v battery's? Under is the compareson between the 12v and 8v.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

You might be able to bypass or replace a voltage regulator on the board to allow it to work with less than 12v. It looks like the backlight works fine with 8v, but the display driver probably has the 12v regulated to ~3-5v with a regulator that doesn't like 8v.
This looks a little too complex for me to read... Would it be easier if I bought one more cell to run off of 11.1V? Would the extra volts make the console run longer or would it just take more electricity?
(Would this be a bump? Oh well...)

If you're buying another cell to boost up to 11.1v then you will need to step down the voltage depending on what project you're using this in. May I ask what you're going to do with this screen?