True-Blue Double Tact Trigger Method


Well-Known Member
Edit: Topic changed to guide so people can reference this for the double tact method.

I'm using the double tact method for the triggers on my portable, and through all my internet scouring and searching, I can only find either broken guides (Pics are gone), or the transistor method (which I do not want). I'm hoping that someone has a working recollection of how to do the wiring. Here's the basic picture, if you know where something goes, replace the "?" with the correct voltage/ohms/data line/ground/silly string/assorted scented candles:


When I think about it it seem like that should be 30k ohms since the real trigger is 30k, but the original guide says 10k and that's always worked for me.
If you press down the trigger switch you'll spray water at full blast but still be able to walk around, then if you press the click button you'll stand and spray.
The_Next_Guy said:
Nice definately using this. Thanks, also can you stack 2 hard tacts on top of each other?
The best way is to use two different switches so that the bottom one is harder to press. This way the top one will switch with a lower pressure than the bottom one