Snes mini classic audio out help


hello, I wanted to know if it was possible to go weld my speakers directly on the motherboard. I do not want to use an audio hdmi out thanks a lot
You definitely aren't going to be able to drive speakers directly from the motherboard. With some real wizardry, you might be able to build your own HDMI audio splitter into the machine and put a headphone jack on it.
The most reasonable approach is to just drop the $30 or so to get an external splitter:

Why? The SNES Mini is entirely digital. There does not exist, anywhere on the board, an analog audio signal to work with. This means that even if you had a suitable amplifier laying around to drive speakers from the thing, there is nowhere on the board where you can pull the actual audio from to work with.
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer me. The reason I do not want to use the hdmi audio extractor that consumes power, I wanted to avoid it. and very big thank you

I have a maybe stupid idea. Can I use the wii2Hdmi replace the part of the wii with a female hdmi and this do not use external power and is very small
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I'm not really sure what you're asking. Are you talking about if you use a Wii instead of the SNES Classic for whatever your project is?
The wii2HDMI might not use *external* power, but it's still going to have power consumption of some sort. If you're worried about adding extra power bricks, that converter I linked uses 5v, the same as the SNES Classic. You could build an adapter to run them both off of USB, or have a USB power output on the converter box with relative ease.
If you're trying to build a portable with this, I don't know enough about either system to know what the best option is for you.