ShockSlayer's H.E.V. Suit Worklog! :U

SS, if you need a pair of those glasses, let me know. I'd be happy to donate you a pair from my collection. :p

Chest plates; padding. Right piece has straps, put it on like a back pack, then apply the front plate with velco.


Front, with all the "kevlar" pads in place. That's tarp, you know, the kind you cover boats/cars with. Covered the pads, looks good to me.


Side view. While I've figured out all the details of the chest plate's attachment, this one still alludes me. I think I need to trim it and get some buckles, those are easier to deal with.

Wait... is that big yellow thing a lemon on one of the shelves? :dah: Anyway, that's looking sweet!
maybe it's just a lemon powered flamethrower with a propane tank as its lemon housing? :dah:

Today, I added clips to the back of the ab pads, and I worked on the "shirt" for the arms. Sewing is for baby men, I used hotglue. Making the arm plates tomorrow maybe, then onto the legs. Then it's paint.

Then? Well, as Gordon said:




Okay so it's not really a teaser. I stopped midway through for some showings. I have no idea why I thought that part was white, I am going to go silver it now. Thanks SLGC spray paint.

Got more painting to do on the chest, waiting for it to cure a bit more. Gonna work on the arms now.

crowbarb fix:

Finished chestplate with logo(which I am going to get some actual paint for tomorrow)

Tarp sleeves(I sewed them myself yeah!) and the plastic cut for the arms.

More progress...tomorrow(or today really it's 1 here.)

I switched over from fabric to tarp. You can't hotglue tarp, it melts and shrivels and stuff. I had no choice but to sew.

I don't have enough plastic to do the whole thing, I am going to re purpose the iron man legs, I didn't like how those turned out anyways.
