Sega Nomad region mod help


I've got a Sega nomad from the bay and will be doing the screen and battery mods. But need help doing a region mod . I want to use the mode button to set it to pal as most of my megadrive games give a region block message. It would be nice if I could set it to jap as well but keeping it stock on the outside (no extra buttons or switches) any help would be appreciated
Re: Sega Nomad region mod help

I found this to be quite helpful:

That's wired up to start though, and not mode. Just use the middle pin instead of the far right pin on the "Venus" board as shown. It mentions right on that page that connecting it to the mode button is a bad idea, but it's up to you I guess. Not sure I ever even used the mode button for it's actual function.

Be careful with the screens, too. The last few that I have picked up have been having issues ONLY with Sega products.

Re: Sega Nomad region mod help

would there be anyway on putting a time delay so i could press it for start and hold for region as it seems doing it this way it will change in game at a button press . hope my screen is ok if not i will save if for another project.
Got my screen and its working great . tried to do the region mod and can't get it working . have cut the traces checked my wiring . changed cable and still nothing . would love if I could just lock the nomad into pal mode . and have USA on the button press any ideas or help