Regulator Help!


I tried, I really did. I just cant find a 12v regulator that will give more than 1 amp of output power. what I really need is one that can handle as high as six or seven, from a maximum 11.4V input. If you have one or know where to get one, please let me know.

It's going to be ensuring I get a steady 12v for a portable, as all the things inside are meant to run off of 12v. I would just let it be, but even slightly undervolting some of this stuff makes it stop working.

Is this for your GC project? I don't think you need that much power for a GC. Also, see if you can isolate the parts that don't like being undervolted and only use the regulator for them.
Yes, it's for that one (now called Project Abraham btw). And the gamecube itself doesn't take much, but I'm running a 13.3 inch screen. I'll try that though, I didn't think of that.
