Quick question on voltage amplification

Mister Nickels

Active Member
Is there a way to amplify the 5V going to the rumble motor on a Gamecube controller to a 12V? And/or where is the signal going to the controller for the rumble?

How could I hook a 12V line up to the 5V line and get it to work? I gots a good idea.

In advance, thanks for putting up with all of our questions. I try not to act like a noob. :)
you can use an LM2577 step up IC...
google for datasheet

use caution and dont be surprised if you blow your 5v line...
might want to run a separate 12v line directly from the fan power board instead...
megalomaniac said:
use caution and dont be surprised if you blow your 5v line...
might want to run a separate 12v line directly from the fan power board instead...

I'm talking about running it from the controller itself. Having a simple plug going from the + and - points for the rumble motor to a... "Thing" that happens to need 12V to run it.

For some reason, I have this weird problem about telling people my ideas. Is this justifiable? Will some douche swoop in and steal my idea without giving me credit... Or am I just crazy?
I dont know much about the gc controller. but if you need 12 v on the controller you could just replace the 5v line with a 12v line from the fan and then step the voltage down once inside the controller.

And I doubt anyone will steal your idea.
A controller usually has several ground wires. Inside the controller cut one of them and use it for the 12v. Inside the console trace where that wire connects to the motherboard and cut that pin. Then wire that pin to 12v. Voila 12v running into controller.
Aighty, then.

I think I might just get that LM2577 since I don't have a gamebit to get inside the Gamecube, and I would like to be able to use this with any Gamecube, not just my theoretical 12V-to-controller modded one.

And... Here goes.

I'm planning to use this thang to power the rumble motors in my massage BAMFchair so I can use the chair's many rumble motors in the seat and back as a rumble feature in the game. WOULD THAT NOT BE SWANK? My father gave me the idea. He's pretty cool.
hailrazer said:
A controller usually has several ground wires. Inside the controller cut one of them and use it for the 12v. Inside the console trace where that wire connects to the motherboard and cut that pin. Then wire that pin to 12v. Voila 12v running into controller.

Do this. Buy a gamebit driver, you'll need one and they're like 5 bucks...
thelukestir said:
Do this. Buy a gamebit driver, you'll need one and they're like 5 bucks...

I was planning on getting one of these anyways, but I can't find one with a good review. They all seem to strip out within a few uses. Any suggestions?

And I think I'm just gonna have to use that LM2577. It's pretty much perfect for what I'm doing, and like I said, I want to be able to use this mod with any Gamecube, not just mine. And there's the possibility of failure and frying my childhood Gamecube that I've loved since the age of 7...
Doing it inside the controller is the best bet for what you are wanting to do it seems. By the way, your dad's idea is the bomb. I want a chair like that now.
You could build a special 12v to controller port adapter that you can use with any gamecube.

Basically, do what Hail said, but use a spare controller port and a 12v power adapter...

What I would do, however, is build the amplifier into my chair, and mod a headphone jack into the controller that carries the 5v rumble signals to the chair.

If I were feeling elaborate, I would figure out how to do this wirelessly, likely using another set of headphones.

You have PLENTY of room in that chair, no need to try to shove this into a controller shell, and risk messing things up.
ttsgeb said:
You could build a special 12v to controller port adapter that you can use with any gamecube.

Basically, do what Hail said, but use a spare controller port and a 12v power adapter...

What I would do, however, is build the amplifier into my chair, and mod a headphone jack into the controller that carries the 5v rumble signals to the chair.

I like both of those ideas, but since I don't have a spare controller port, and I've already clarified that I don't have a 4.5mm gamebit so I can't take apart another Gamecube.

For your idea, you're just saying to do what I've been planning to do, but put the adapter in the chair instead of the controller? Good idea! I was kinda figuring that's what I would have to do anyways. And as for modifying a headphone jack, I'm way ahead of you. I tore this simple plug thing from a Halloween decoration about 6 months ago that I was gonna use. It's like the bare minimum of what a port is.

AbyssPWNS said:
By the way, your dad's idea is the bomb. I want a chair like that now.

I'mma tell him you said that! He does have some sweet ideas.
Funny story. I tried to make one of those and burnt my knuckle with hot melted plastic. :lol:

But I'll try again later tonight.