Noob questions

Hi there I'm new to the forum so go easy on me I'm writing a list of questions about
things I would like to know going in to my first Portable. I'm doing it this way because
the forum seems to be quite a slow one so I thought I would just get the bulk of it out in
one fell swoop. If you know the answers to any of my questions please answer with the
number of the question before your reply so that I can arrange them in to a list for future reference.

So here it goes...

1) Can I still get a hold of a WiiKey Fusion/WASP? if so where can I get a hold of one
if no do you have a spare one that you are willing to sell willing to pay a slight premium
but nothing too crazy

2) Will the Gamecubes 12V line run off of 7.4V? if so do these crude diagrams check out
I plan to use 6 cells if space allows (probably not)

3) If I want to use componant do I need to buy an overpriced componant cable I've heard
whisperings that it contains a chip required for for use or can I just solder to the
pin outs?

4) I plan on doing some frankencasing using the Gamecube keyboard as a case like
Simon Quimby's GCP. What do I use to do so is it filler, epoxy,...? If you
have done any Frankecasing I would be gratefull for any tips and tricks.

5) Do I need to power the 5V line if I'm not using the disk drive?

6) What guage and core wire do I need to use for differnt things such as WiiKey, power etc.
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1. gets them from time to time and is run by a respected member here, so keep an eye out.
2. Pumping 7.4V into the inbuilt regulator on the Gamecube won't run, but if you build a custom regulator to step down the voltage yourself then piping the 7.4V into the 12V should work, if I recall correctly. I think that something is off with your diagrams but I'm a bit tired for critical thought right now. Also, the negative voltage side would be 0V, not -7.4V.
3. IDK about the status of the MX chip clones. This is the thread for progress about it.
4. They use ABS Cement. We have a great frankencasing guide in the casing subforum of General Modding & Electronics Information.
5. I don't know.
6. If I recall correctly, people say 22/24 stranded for power and 28/30 stranded for signals, but you might want to wait someone with more experience to answer that.
1) I found a site selling them that seems legit. It's Eurasia dot something, and it seems quite a few people order from them. They sell the wasp fusions for $25 plus $5 shipping. I googled "wasp fusion for sale" and it was the first link.

I think the other guy answered everything else. I believe that you would need the expensive component cable, but I plan on using AV because there are not enough pros to outweigh the cons of component.

Hope I helped a little :)