QUESTION GBA backlight mod problem, please help!

I ordered a backlit screen modded GBA from ebay. It functions normally, but there is a whining sound coming from the speaker when it's on.

I opened it up to investigate, and the cable providing power to the back light is soldered to capacitor 27. I figured this was the problem and tried the two recommended solder points, the left arm below R12 and the capacitor right next to it. Neither of those worked. The left arm of the "y" under R12 caused the GBA to turn off immediately, and the other capacitor (25) didn't light up the screen (but the sound went away.)

I tested the screen on two boards with the exact same results.

here is a picture of the wire connected to the cap that works(but produces whining sound)

What can I do? Is there another place to attach the wire?

Any help is greatly appreciated!