Question about how to power my screen correctly.


Hi Guys,

I bought the below screen quite a ways back. It's been sitting in my closet for years now. I'd like to see if I could use it in a project soon. What I want to do 1st is figure out how to power the screen. For instance, when I flip the screen board over, I want to make sure that I connect the positive & Negative to the correct places on the board so I don't have any issue (see bottom picture rigth hand corner is where the power plug would go).


Any help will be apprecaited, also I think that this screen run of 12v, but how can I find out if lower voltages can be used? Thanks again.

Do you have a model number?

I think I have seen this one before, I am pretty sure it runs of 5v, center pin positive. See the black power connector? You are going to need to figure out which of the three metal pins underneath it is positive, which you could do with a multimeter or continuity tester. If I had to make a guess, though, I would say that it is the topmost pin.
It's a screen from Dalian Good Display.
Measure how many inches the screen is, post it here and i'll give you the link where you can find the information.