(Probably nooby) NES controller problem


Apparently plover is a type of bird.
So I built a NES controller with a 4021 IC (Yes, I used a socket), rubber tact switches, and sme resistors, I think 47ohm. I wired everything up, but it thinks that every button is being pressed at the same time, even when I'm not pressing anything. Is there something you guys can think of that could be the problem? If it helps, I also don't have it encased in anything, and I have two sets of A/B buttons.
Sounds like you have a short. I know that's not particularly specific, but pictures would help.
Alright, here are some pics. The wiring is a bit messy, so it might be hard to figure out what's going on. They're pretty large, so I just did links.

I you're using the resistors wrong. :p If I'm seeing this correctly, you're attaching one side of the switch to ground, and the other to the IC through a resistor? You're supposed to connect the switch to ground and directly to the controller, and connect the resistor between +5v and the IC pin for each button. They're pull-up resistors.
Yeah, I think that's the problem. I followed some guide that i can't find, anymore. From what leg do the buttons get +5v? This is getting a bit confusing.
+5v is one of the controller pins. Here's a diagram from my Instructable:

Oh, I get it now! Awesome, thanks! (Though it also looks like I'm going to have to completely redo this thing... :( )
Alright, well I started over, and I'm still having the same problem. Start is the only button I have completely wired up, just for testing purposes, and Start works completely fine. It never thinks I hit it when I'm not, and when I do hit it, it responds correctly. But all the other buttons are still completely haywire, even though I haven't wired them up. Anyway, this time, I connected the GND and Brown pins, like Mario's Instructable says to, and I've wired the resistor (at least for Start) properly. I have some more pics if anyone might be able to tell what's wrong. Could the problem be with the yellow wire (the data signal)? The connection to the metal tip is a bit flimsy. Might that be the problem, or is more more likely to simply be that I haven't wired the others up, yet?

(Start and Select are above the A/B buttons, DS style. There are also two A buttons and two B buttons.)
You didn't wire up the other resistors? That's your problem. :p Like I said, it needs them as pull-up resistors, otherwise it doesn't know when the button is being pressed.
Alright, thanks. :D

EDIT: Well, I'm having a new problem, now. Everything is wired up except for the A/B buttons, but whenever I try to plug it in, my NES freezes up. (I've tried my other, real controllers, and they're working fine) I've included more pics, but things have gotten kinda messy again. And if it helps, I noticed that I previously accidentally wired ground and brown to the A button leg of the IC. This time, I've switched it to the right place.

Bump. I know it hasn't really fallen, but my problem is still unsolved, and people probably just saw the last post before the edit.