Playstation 4

Anyone picking up a PS4 this friday? what game/ games are you getting with it?
I'm going to try and find one when the stores open in the morning and I'm going to be getting Killzone Shadow Fall and I'll also be getting Call of Duty Ghosts hardened Edition for christmas.
Nah, but I'm hoping that secondhand PS3s get under $100 sometime next year.
misfitslayer1 said:
Call of Duty Ghosts hardened Edition
I have no intention of buying one unless they push The Last Guardian into being a ps4 game, in which case I'll grudgingly acquire one. As of now though, it looks entirely not worth owning. They're trying to push the idea of indie games, but as yet they haven't proven it's a particularly good environment for that kind of low cost development, and unless they can match or beat steam sales/ humble bundle there's not gonna be much allure for me in that area. For the big launch titles, we've got killzone, which seems crappy but pretty, Call of Duty, which is the same game once again, but with a dog - I'll keep my money, thanks - one worthwhile looking exclusive game (resogun) and a pile of other mediocre to outright bad titles with graphics that, while a often great improvement over the last consoles, still don't impress me. (Call me a PC elitist, but I'll take my PC over consoles that struggle with 720p in games I can play fine at 3500x1920.) The controller looks like they finally got their flax together though, so that's nice to see. For the money, I'll take a second GTX 770 any day.
I read an article in USA Today trying to hype the PS4 and Xbox One. It said they were 10x more powerful than the PS3 and 360.
Then it went on to say that means that the games would look slightly better and there would be a few more people and enemies on screen.

Wow let me go sink $500 into that right now........................... Nope !
I'll get one for FFXV and MGS V:GZ/MGS V:pP when those come out. Unless they end up coming out for PC, then I'll just get it for that.

Also, good luck getting a PS4 without a pre-order.
Might pick one up in a year or two but I've got more than enough games on Steam alone to entertain me until then.
I don't understand the point anymore. Consoles used to be something like arcade hardware, or something that is different from a PC in ways that make a game better. This generation has just gone and put a half-decent PC in a fancy looking box, and installed a walled garden OS.

I'm not planning on buying a console, instead I'm going to wait until people start building Hackintosh-like boxes for both consoles, or emulators.

They are the same architecture as desktop PC's, so I am assuming it is going to be a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ton easier to both pirate and play 'backups', as well as for emulator/porting devs.

This gen's going to be a piracy funland, I can see it happening.
I could of actually got one yesterday at my local walmart but, I decided not to after hearing so much about broken systems and unstable firmware. I will at least wait until they figure out the firmware isssues and then I will get one.
SteamDNT said:
I don't understand the point anymore. Consoles used to be something like arcade hardware, or something that is different from a PC in ways that make a game better. This generation has just gone and put a half-decent PC in a fancy looking box, and installed a walled garden OS.

I'm not planning on buying a console, instead I'm going to wait until people start building Hackintosh-like boxes for both consoles, or emulators.

They are the same architecture as desktop PC's, so I am assuming it is going to be a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ton easier to both pirate and play 'backups', as well as for emulator/porting devs.

This gen's going to be a piracy funland, I can see it happening.

*looks at xbox*... Yep, emulators and hacked together boxes... TOTALLY gonna happen.

I got 12 years and no emulators that show that close != same.
ttsgeb said:
SteamDNT said:
*looks at xbox*... Yep, emulators and hacked together boxes... TOTALLY gonna happen.

I got 12 years and no emulators that show that close != same.

Xbox isn't out of the realm of possibility, the xbox itself has what, like 4 exclusives worth playing? Why would anyone bother writing an emulator? There isn't really any active development on Cxbx or Xenon, so it's not technical limitations that killed it, it's more likely disinterest.

And don't even try to tell me that the Oxbox didn't have *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing rampant piracy and homebrew.
I really wouldn't care if an Xbox emulator was ever made. It'd be cool, but it's true that most of the best games on Xbox already got ported to PC anyway. Well, unless they ever get Unreal Championship 2 working 100%. That game was crazy fun back in the day.
ttsgeb said:
I never stated that emulation would be trivial, but I agree with what that guy is saying, but the problems, even as described by him were:
Nobody that has the experience to work on the emulator wants to do it, for the most part, the interest comes from inexperienced people.

Lack of interest is on the part of the developers, not on the part of the users. Can you really blame them though? If you had the skills to work on an emulation project like this, would you do it for free?

The same thing could happen again, but now gaming is bigger, so it might attract more developers on a project at the proper time in the console's lifespan.

That said, even if emulation doesn't happen, remember how fun Mods and piracy were on the Oxbox.