Original Gameboy w/rechargeable battery

I'm modding my gb to have a rechargeable. I was thinking I could use an old cell phone batt. that I have but I don't know if the voltages would be right or not.(I haven't got the money for a meter) Also: How would I wire the batt. to the power receptors? (If that's what they're called.)

*I think I put this post in the wrong place....
In the GBO's battery holder, in one corner there should be a spring. That is the negative terminal. In the corner directly opposite, there should be a flat metal plate. That is the positive terminal.

Now, as far as it working with a cell phone battery, you would need a step-up voltage converter. The GBO needs 5-6v ( I don't know the extremes, but that's normal operating voltages) whereas cell phone cells are typically 3.7v.
Awesome. Now, mako, you said 3 at lowest but would that affect anything in a negative way? And I figured out which were positive and negative terminals, they had symbols. My battery has 3 contacts on it, what would I do about that? Also, I've heard speaker wire works with electrical current for powered things. So what about headphone cord?
No It wouldn't.

The battery has three contacts Positive,Negative and the third one can mean a number of things.

Usually, its a temperature sensing pin, so you can charge fast without over heating the battery.
Ok then. That's useful info. I'll look to see if I have any wire that would work for attaching the battery to the contacts.
Since this is the same topic pretty much what are the voltage ranges for a gameboy pocket?I will be using a phone batt too.
Now if I hook up a 3.7 li-pol batt can I hook it straight up to the battery holders and charge it using he normal phone or do I need a safety circuit when I connect it?
You were able to charge it with the phone before, so you should be able to charge it through to phone now.
Ya I'm still able to charge it but if I connect it straight to the gameboy will something happen to it if the volts get tovlow or no?
Don't do it that way. Solder a cable from the cell phone pins from where the battery used to go, then make a jack in the gameboy for it. Just plug the phone into the gameboy, then the charger into the phone.