Need professional help on building a gamecube portable.

Hello everyone! This is my first post on this forum. I was inspired by all you incredible modders on this forum to build my own portable. I never did a big mod like this but I have basic knowledge of soldering and following directions so I think with enough patience I can succeed.

Before I begin building it and buying supplies. I want to make sure I am well informed. I will be using a ZN40 case as suggested by Tchay in his video series. I haven't found a tutorial to installing a wiikey/wode to a gamecube. I have no idea how they work or where I can buy one since they are not produced anymore to my knowledge. That's one thing I'd like answered. I have many more questions. A basic rundown of everything would be great as I have never found a completed tutorial. Please leave me any tips and things you guys find useful when building these portables. Also let me know if it would be a good idea for a beginner to use a ZN45 case instead as it's larger. Thanks in advanced to everyone!