N64 Portable help 4 a n00b

Hey everyone its dethswurl117 and im a major n00b to modding i was thinking of starting off making a n64 portable and if i can get thet then a gamecube portable. :awesome:

If anyone can help with tutorial links and junk it would be appreciated. :dahroll:

Thx!!!! :trollface:
Check out the Megastickies. They have all the info that you'll ever need.

Here is XCVG's excellent guide.
Go to the stickies, everyone, and read them, especially before asking questions. Besides that, welcome to the forums!
Yep, the stickies are full of information.

Also, a couple guidelines:
1. Don't make a new topic for every question you have. Post them all in one thread.
2. Don't talk like an idiot.

Follow those and you'll get a lot more respect around here!
Mario said:
Yep, the stickies are full of information.

Also, a couple guidelines:
1. Don't make a new topic for every question you have. Post them all in one thread.
2. Don't talk like an idiot.

Follow those and you'll get a lot more respect around here!
And by talk like an idiot he means read your posts twice or more before submitting them, and don't talk like you did in your title. Ex: "i dont no wuts rong with my n64, it wont turn on" Last note about talking, arguments are annoying here, don't argue pointlessly. Once again, welcome, I look forward to seeing your future projects!
If you break flax, take a CLEAR photo, post it, and list everything you did since it last worked and what it does now.