My robot im making


Well-Known Member
I'm making a robot for a competition *With Cooshinator*, it is a tactile maze solving robot.
Here are some pics so far.

The circuit on a breadboard, will be on a custom pcb 7.4 cm by 3.5 cm:

The structure made of plexiglass top layer not glued on yet because it needs 3 holes drilled in it:
haha, damaging the maze is against the rules, if this was a battle bot, of course i would.
Then put lasers, sawblades, and a self destruct button on it to destroy the maze after it has been thoroughly roflpwned.
I actually had this idea to make it so it busts through all the walls straight to the finish line!
And deal!
So it is going to get out from a maze without any human help? It sounds good.
The wheels are atached to servos? Are them hacked for continuos rotation?
Regards, bruno :dahroll:
bump bump

the competition is in 1 week from tomorrow, just a few things need to be done (mount the bumper and perfect the code) Id upload pics now, but i think a video from the compo will be better :)

keep in mind the constants for the servo directions, ours were crappy and a bit glitchy, so those will be completely different on your servos. Also, the buttons A and B may be the wrong sides i dont remember.
dsv101 said:
sure, i hope Coosh Doesnt Mind

THE *Can'tSayThisOnTV* MAN !?!?!?!?!

But yeah, you should upload the old code too, as the new one sucks ass (I had to completely re-do it in about 10 minutes). And besides, the old code is much more effective & interesting.
this is the old code i think, the code we had when we were testing it on my bins and boxes. The new code isnt that terrible, but it has to be adjusted to different servos, well yeah thew new code is bad, nvmd.
still waiting for an exact placement, but we know we are in the top 10 of the high school division for sure. Some asian chick out of out grade level did the maze in 40 seconds! Ours took like 3:14 or something like that. It was fun, and definitely worth the time.