My first true portable nes.


Well-Known Member
My newly completed Nes portable, I had to rush it far more then I would have liked to on account of me leaving for a trip but it'll have to do for now.
four "AA" batteries for 2::3:0 hour life
XL soft case
using a retro entertainment system
3.5" screen
true analog joystick
digital volume control
easy to use cart slot

And now without further ado, Pictures. Video.... Tomorrow. Credit to sonyqrio for telling me how to flatten the case.


Wow, this is truly the best portable ever. I love the paint and just everything about it! Also what is that paint?
Great work Ben! Makes me want to actually do a portable!
@LOB there's actually no noticeable wobble on the cart.

Thanks everyone else. Unfortunately due to a lack of my camera right before a trip the video will probably get posted mid-next week.