I say I bring my airsoft guns and we go play in Beta's epic foresty backyard

Although, I second laser tag or some of the same kind, we can't work on projects for 4 days straight. OR CAN WE?!
I'm free for pretty much whenever, I think...I'll still have to see if I can go. I'll have to see if my mom would be keen on letting me pay xxx$ for it to meet with people I know over the internet, hahah.
Sounds a little better beta beta better.

I still have to find train tickets plus I need money to buy them + some for food.

Julian Hammerstein -> William Hammerstein

So like, can I have some PEOPLE FROM THE INTERNET come over for like 4 days next month some time for crazy geek partyage? Promise not to get raped.
39 minutes ago · Comment · Like · See Wall-to-Wall

Julian Hammerstein Probably like 3-6 people or something.
37 minutes ago ·

William Hammerstein Sure, why not.
8 minutes ago

Julian Hammerstein And the crowd goes wild!

*wahhhhhhhhhh! waaaaaaaaaaaah*
2 seconds ago ·

My parents would probably say the same. But my mom would freak about the house being dirty. Plus my room has no floor there's so much crap.
We are either working in the basement, or on the porch. My room can be a workshop for 3 people tops.
*Can'tSayThisOnTV* yeah. I already got the okay months ago. Can't Wait.