
Breaker of Everything
Staff member
ShockSlayer said:
You better make a thread someday, "I got to meet ShockSlayer"

Geb did, but it was deleted because it looked like one of those porn bots...



We(I) don't have the same amazing register of peopleGods as we(I) did last year(Yet), but by golly, you're invited.

This will take place the second weekend of July.

So if you think you'd come, speak up, and let's make this happen!

For those that don't remember or weren't around last year, this is a community meetup that will be hosted by me in Chattanooga, TN. I'm trying to make it a yearly deal, but no promises.

The meetup isn't about making things, but that may be a side effect. It's about getting together and causing havoc and mayhem. If you aren't sure for whatever reason if you're invited, feel free to send me a PM about it.
I know I am interested. Might be quite possible for me to get up there for super cheap again like I did last year. Nail down some dates, we can make this happen.

I know Herma is interested. Bud is off kicking ass for a few months so he can't come, and Ashen is still hungover from the basement manlove, so...we're atleast close to a threesome.

I'm hella interested. I'd need to save up some cash for a plane ticket, but this would be beautiful.
You know I'd totally go if I had a few more years of age, a few more grand, and a few more people that like me.
In case I didn't make it clear in the first post, You *are* invited... Just sayin'.
I promise some of us actually do like you. Sometimes. A little. *uncrosses fingers*

but srsly some time in July. I could probably make it, but it wouldn't be as convenient this time around because I'd probably have to fly in or something. I think I'll be in Texas around that time and I don't plan on taking my car back to Texas.

I'm up for more manlove.

Will there be more raccoons?
With the current state of things, more racoons are almost a certainty.
Very good chance I can go depending on if my wrist heals well. Broke it Saturday and may need surgery. It would be kind of hard to drive a 5-speed with a cast.

I have some Gamecubes I could bring. Maybe some productivity will occur?
Ok, so we need to set a date...

Is midweek or weekend better for you guys?
ttsgeb said:
Ok, so we need to set a date...

Is midweek or weekend better for you guys?
I'm a flexible guy, either is fine. Weekends would likely be better, but I default to Herma for when we do this because he's a busy manflake.

So... second weekend in July, Friday-Sunday sound good to everyone?

Aka July 12-14
I'm looking into it, but money is a big issue and my parental unit is not very keen on this.