I've got a tf2 server!


Frequent Poster
I'm going to tell you guys about a local clan I've got going, we've got about 14 people in our clan, and it's a local exclusive clan so I can't go inviting you guys to it. However we do have a server that I run, and try to run as often as possible. (we try for 24/7)

the ip is

It's called FYG clan server

We'ed like it if there was some more activity on our server so if you'd like to join go right ahead, and haev the [MR] tag in your name so I know you're from modretro.

Would you be interested in having the most recent versions of both koth_pine and ctf_pine on the server? I've got brand-new versions ready to go that I just need to upload to a file-sharing site. I can even get a .nav file generated for the KOTH version so you can run bots if you wanted to. (Bots won't work on CTF maps.)

If you're interested, I'd be happy to send them to you. :awesomeTW:

Btw T_W, do you have the map file for the final map version released before Thursty touched it up?
You mean the ancient alpha version? XD

I think I do, yeah. I seem to recall wanting to keep it around just for the sake of comparison.