Is this a good screen?

i wouldnt recommend those. they are integrated, which means (most likely) you will need to keep the entire dvd player intact. also, "reserve not met" which basically means they arent cheap. they wouldnt be good for gamecube, seeing as how like 5 games for the cube have 16;9 support. in addition, the description is rather engrish'y, which screams, "low quality".

go with a psone screen, or a 3.5" ebay screen. much better options. if you really want widescreen, there are some good ones out there, but they generally cost alot. i have one or two i might sell though.
Well keep me posted if you do wish to sell one, i'm interested for my wii project, pm me if you want, but i must warn you i live in france, shipping is gonna be a Sega