Hey is this a good design?

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Why did i make this it looks like flux i think i made at late or something
I know the things are not the right sizes and 0not where they would propably go and i wasn't saying i would make this so yeah wow i bet you guys are thinking im like a friken nooooooob
so yeah
Try using the line tool, scaling all the components of the portable correctly, adding measurements of the case, and try to be realistic that this is your first portable.
1. Measure your components
2. Draw them the same size or cut them out of cardboard/paper
3. Play the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* around with them
4. ????????
5. No more downvotes!
Deleting mistakes after everyone saw them doesn't undo them.

Locking them away and keeping them to remind yourself helps make you a better person, though.

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