Group custom plastic enclosure buy?


Frequent Poster
What if we were to draw up a design for a universal plastic enclosure and have it manufactured by like plactec or something?

We could have like a ZN40 but without the annoying recessed areas at the edge.

I dunno, just a random thought. :neutral2:
epicelite said:
What if we were to draw up a design for a universal plastic enclosure and have it manufactured by like plactec or something?

We could have like a ZN40 but without the annoying recessed areas at the edge.

I dunno, just a random thought. :neutral2:
probably easier to just get one of our members with a vac-former (oh, I dunno, bacteria?) to make the case and buy from him.
I actually considered doing something similar to this but then decided against it because then so many people would be using the same cases.
Why thank you. I'm just one of those very knowledgeable, experienced people that reads and rarely posts unless I have something to say to help someone that hasn't been helped yet.