First Portable (ZNGC) Worklog


Active Member
Okay got all my parts together, and my fan ( ... 1497.l2649) and wii key fusion are in the mail.

My dremel just broke while i was cutting my heatsink. So yeah that sucks.[img]

So i can't really wire anything up untill i have something to cut the motherboard with, which might be a few days. But i am using the stock regulator board, (unless someone can give me a step by step tuto on custom regulators). and its going to be in a sl-68p casing. And I'm using a 3.5' ebay screen.

Anyway does anyone know anything I can do to cut my motherboard/heatsink without a dremel? I suck at dremeling anyway so I'm kind of relieved.

Oh yea almost forgot. ZNGC stands for Zee's (my name) Next Generation Console
if you want a tutorial on custom regs, look HERE:
the parts are available here: and here:
I also must ask, are you trying to inlay the fan in the sink? if you just want to make it smaller, a hacksaw to the side works fine. dont try that on
the mobo, though; you're best bet is a dremel tool or something similar, although I've seen people like Ben Heck use an x-acto knife. hope that helps!

Gdorf 929
Okay thanks! but would you suggest a custom regulator? Is it just to save space? and haha yes I am trying to inlay the fan into the sink. an X-acto knife? would i have to heat it up? Or would it just cut through? I'm sorry about all these question by the way :p
If you're going to use a cutting wheel on the heatsink, don't go in from the top and pull it across, go in from the side and cut into it. Think of it as a tiny, handheld circ saw. If you want to go it it the way you were doing, use a grinding wheel. It's gonna take forever, and you'll probably gum it up, but it's actually made to work in that direction.
does your dremel have a legitimate metal cutoff disk? ive seen some without those. also, a sharpie on the mobo wont hurt anything
Looks a bit choppy and not the cleanest cut, but it should work. Just sand ALL the edges so there will be no shortages.