Custom Painted DMG

Bo, no it isn't biverted.

Bibin, what's so bad about the Prosound?

To everyone else. Thank you for all the positive comments! I appreciate it!
I just wanted to know what he thought was wrong with it cause I accidentally did drill it a little farther right than usual. It doesn't look bad in my opinion it was just an accident and i wanted to know if he had noticed that it was more to the right.
Bibin's just scared that there might be someone here as good or better than him at gameboy stuff!

If I had had the money for this ish, I would have bought it immediately.

In fact.

You interested in taking a commission for something similar to this?
Snow: The same one is up on Ebay if you want to bid it. Or if you had something else in mind I can pretty much do anything. I have a bunch of paint, just lemme know what color backlight, and if you want a Prosound or a different mod. I can definitely whip that right up for you dude.
Well, it'd be a little while as I won't have money until I finish and sell this playstationp, but that should be very soon. Not much left to do on her.

I'll let you know.

edit: also,
This listing has ended. Try finding a similar item.
Here hold on. I had to repost it with different item #. Lemme change the hyperlink in the original post.
Ishmael1010 said:
I just wanted to know what he thought was wrong with it cause I accidentally did drill it a little farther right than usual. It doesn't look bad in my opinion it was just an accident and i wanted to know if he had noticed that it was more to the right.

Quoting teh bibin off of Youtube: ""pro-sound" lovers are full of flax in my opinion; "


Well the prosound helps make the output clearer for recording. He must love a nice buzzing noise in his songs, if he's made any. Good job SS :awesome:
You don't have to be a "Flamboyant Homosexual" about it, I wasn't trying to be funny. Or make Bibin seem gay.

ShockSlayer said:
Ishmael1010 said:
I just wanted to know what he thought was wrong with it cause I accidentally did drill it a little farther right than usual. It doesn't look bad in my opinion it was just an accident and i wanted to know if he had noticed that it was more to the right.

Quoting teh bibin off of Youtube: ""pro-sound" lovers are full of flax in my opinion; "



Link to me saying that.

That's what some punk commenter wrote on MY video. What HE wrote.

Ishmael, you get a buzzing sound if you have a crappy power regulator board. Otherwise, the buzzing goes away once LSDJ launches. Don't be assumptive about what other people have done / not done. I don't want a pissing fight about who's made how much music, so don't begin one. Stock sounds so clear with a good power source.

There's nothing *wrong* with the "pro-sound", it's just super rated and unless your power source sucks the benefits are so minuscule. This would be fine except it puts a ruddy hole in the case that can't just be un-done.


Is this not you?

Bibin, I wasn't trying to START anything. That would be why I asked. Wasn't being assumptive either, just asked why you didn't like them. I saw a site where someone ran wavelength tests or whatever and the prosound significantly improved it. Besides, the gameboy isn't for me. It's for sale if you read the thread, and people who make music consider a prosound a vital mod. So don't get mad at me for doing it for someone else. Get mad at them for wanting it.