Bluetooth headphones


I guess you could consider this my first completed project :p
Basically, took a bluetooth audio receiver thingy from ebay (any of these), and crammed it into a large pair of over-ear headphones. In total it cost about $50, but the majority of the cost is in the headphones.
The audio is surprisingly high quality for the cost, but I had to go probing around the board to find the best spot, as the actual headphone port on the thing was total junk because of all the low quality parts.

In total I get anywhere from 4-8 hours on one charge.
Pictures (click em for a bigger one):

what's that over there, a gamecube waiting to be finished? :awesome:
Blargaman91 said:
That's an awesome mod. I've got to try that.
Just a couple warnings, make sure you have enough space for the reciever, battery, charger plug, and power switch, and when you hook up the drivers, make sure to solder as close as you can to the actual bluetooth chip itself, otherwise you're gonna lose quality (just hook up some headphones to ground and a aligator clip and poke around, that's what I did) :p