Arduino/RaspPi-powered RC car WIP


Billy Mays
Staff member
HEY GUYS, BILLY MAY- er, I mean, robm here, with my latest project I'm doing with the kids.

Project is to power an RC car with an Arduino and a RaspPi, with a sensor for line-following purposes and a camera on the
Pi for video feeds.

Donor car:


Taken apart, a rudimentary control board inside...


All wired up with the Arduino and motor shield, the Seeeduino example motor sketch uploaded:



Updates as I get to em...
So will the RaspPi just be used as a video transmitter? There are wireless video transmitters that would probably do a better job if that's all it'll be doing.
Actually, no. It'll also be working as a go-between for the Arduino for web-enabled commands, essentially so we can use a phone or a tablet as the "remote control."