Approximate cost of making a N64 portable?


I'm not looking for an exact figure, but assuming everything goes as planned, what do they cost to make? I'm debating back and forth between making a N64p or a Gamecube portable. My only issue is the Gamecube portables run off of SD cards and to me it just feels kind of.. not authentic. So I'm leaning toward an N64p but I just dont want to dive into something and wind up spending $500 before it's over.
Well I would start off by making a list of parts you definitely need/want in your portable.

-n64 (obviously but probably more than one in case you fry them at some point)
-case and case making materials

If you want a better idea take a look in the n64 mega sticky. Kasars guide in there will give a much better idea of what you're getting into

I spent around $150-250 to make my first one.. that was a little bit of trial and error as well. If everything goes perfectly then it will cost less; make a bunch of mistakes it will cost much more
My biggest thing is I just want to break even when I'm done. I dont know what a well-made one actually sells for, I think I saw one go for $400. Not trying to make money, but I'd like to be able to sell it when I'm done and cover my expenses. I'm doing this for fun not to really use it.
I would say anywhere from $100-$200.

It really depends on what parts you will use and what parts you already have.

Do you already have an n64 motherboard you can use? Thats $30ish saved right there.

What screen do you want? Do you want what most guides use in the ps1 screen or just a cheap back up monitor? That will run anywhere from $15-$80 (depending what you can find the ps1 screen for, typically anywhere from $40-$100).

And so on.

The one I am working on right now is going to run closer to $200 because I bought some unnecessary parts and also changed some parts after already buying parts lol.

Best idea as already said, go with a part list. AND make sure those are what you want.