Another GCp - The GameCube Control

With only 3 lines, I tried every single other pins and I've nothing that changes.
It seems that I need a second ground to make it works.

What do you mean by poke the other contacts ?


I dont even know how I did, but in fact, when I wire the composite to the (1) and the ground to the (3) I have an image but it is VERY VERY VERY DARK. Can't see very well.
How can I fix it ?
Hello I have a big problem with my SD.
I just did the 1.5 update, it works very well cause I have no more "get header error" and the name are correctly displayed.
But now, when I select any game, it launch always the same game...

It works ! :D (after randomly wiring the pins)

Now I want to have sound but I don't know how to start :/

I need 3 wires, but anywhere I go, only 2 are shown : + and -.
My question is : Where do you input the sound ? this is my 3rd wire !
I have to wire : the + and a ground (-), and the Left or Right Audio (i have separated speakers, and separated from screen too)
I have only 2 pins. How do I do ? I tested some things but it dont works.
Ok, nevermind, I have sound :)

But its extremly low. How can I increase it ? I have no other components with the speakers.
Ok I'll try that.

I have a big problem : My 12V pin of the regulator doesn't give 12V anymore... (all the other lines works)

I don't know even why.
Just after that, my GC power cable didnt work for a time, then it came back magically.

Any idea ? And any idea to have the 12V anywhere else ?
Ok it works thanks :)

So, before I was using alligator clips to connect the video and stuff.
I soldered some wires, and now the screen is black & white for no reason :(
I had a wire that did that before, when I poke it the screen turned black & white. But now, its like something is connected to it and there is nothing really connected :/
Up !

I have lot of problems now :(
So has I said, my GC regulator doesn't give 12V anymore. I looked at some diagram, and it seems that the gamecube doesn't need 12v as much.

Is this true ?

I have two major problems (if we except the Black & White problem that probably comes from my screen and not the GC) :
I can't start a game (SSBM), I can naviguate through menus etc... but when I want to launch a game, it freeze.
Second problem, I can choose anygame of my wiikey, it will launch always the first one (ssbm)

So, Is the 12V as useless as I said ? Or it can be the source of the first problem ? (actually I launched Soul Calibur (I don't know how) and the game started pretty well so I don't really know what happened)

I really need help now, I almost finished the console :( I want to finish that during the next week if possible)

I have fixed the black and white problem (came from my screen)

Now I still have the graphic problem.

Here are the problems with these games :
Super smash bros melee : can't launch any game, it freeze at the loading screen (to the level).
Super mario sunchine : Freeze after the little intro with the band's names.
Soul Calibur : The game launch normally, but the in-game models are bugged... they didnt stand, they are like there is no physics, they stick to the ground something strange...

Just to say : before the 12v remove all these games worked.

EDIT: Okay, great now I have destroyed my gamecube :X
My solders werent good... :(
Actually this is not a bad thing, my gamecube was a mess, it was my first one, now I will be more organised, and I know what to expect ;)
I will update this next week or in one month.
Update !

I have received my new GC and my screen. Both works.

But the GameCube is very strange... I have the image one time by 10, its out of control... I don't even know how I make it work each time, its just random...
I have tested some continuity, all is fine, I test the gamecube on 2 different screen, they both display the same thing : one time the good image, one time a black screen, like there is no plugged devices...
Here is my third worklog :

So as you can see, it works perfectly, but the gamecube freeze more and more and i don't know why :/
In the video there is no freezes, only problems to launch the gamecube, but now I start the gamecube and it randomly freezes at randoms times...

I need to know if it can be because of my solders or not.