4.3 incher screen?! $30?!

Widescreen is suckage. Even among last gen consoles the only one that can properly display widescreen is the XBOX.

The alibaba "Good Display" LCDs are available in 4" or so. However, they'll cost you. VGA and very possibly RGB, however. As PSone screens get rarer, more expensive and hard to find, they may become the only real option in 5".
Yeah. Hopefully the Modretro Store opens soon so we can get that nice 4 incher that Palmer was talking about.
Please comment about the quality once you get it. It'd be even better if you can get some good pics of it.
Looks okay when in the GC menu. If I could just ask one last thing, could you please show anything with some text in it? Or anything that's sort of detailed? Just want to get an idea of how the contrast is on this thing.
bassmasta reminded me to get the pics. Last time I was about to I hurried and wired up my n64p to it and accidentally switched the 12v and 3.3v lines and forgot about this screen...

So I connected it to my iPod Touch and took some pics. If you need more pics, will do, but it looks great and exactly how it would on my Touch's screen.

http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/8958 ... 175412.jpg

http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/6131 ... 175425.jpg

http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/3848 ... 175441.jpg
That's with a widescreen source, right? Can you take picture with a 4::3: ratio?

I want to see how bad the stretch is.