360 Laptop Work-Blog (Take 2)


Rug and I have been commissioned to build another Xbox 360 Laptop so I thought I'd let those interested know that once again our progress can be followed on my blog at http://www.360laptop.blogspot.com

Now that we know what we're doing we predict that this project will move along several times quicker than last time, so hopefully updates will be far less sporadic.

Thanks for your support! Hope you enjoy the documentation :D

If I recall correctly, you are the one who came in here with the first post being an awesomely impressive 360 laptop. If the next one is half as good as your first, your customer will be very satisfied.
Can't wait for this!

Hmmm... I need money for a car. It would seem 360 laptop is the way to go! :p

Yay, 2010th post! I match the year!
Great, I followed your first one before it got here :p.

Also, how much did the old one sell for?

P.S, Nice job.