$2.20 4MB Ram RDRAM36-NUS chips


Well-Known Member
lucidPerspective over at benheck found a Chinese dealer who will sell 300 for a small amount each plus postage, hes trying to get enough interest for a group buy
lucidPerspective said:
I've talked to some suppliers in China and I can get 300 NINTENDO 4mb RDRAM36-NUS chips at $1.65USD a piece + $30USD postage.

In case people read this without knowing why anyone would want these chips.. you can use them to replace the 2mb memory chips on the pre-2000 N64 boards. This act's as a built in expansion pack. So if you swap the chips for 4mb ones, and then cut up your jumper pack and wire the components straight to the pins of the jumper slot you can have an expansion pak board without it being any higher than the original N64 board + the jumper pack is flush with the board too = super tiny N64p

I'm just wanting to get a rough idea how much interest there is around here and if it would be worth getting these chips. There will be a slight markup to make it worth the investment, but nothing too extreme.

Anyway, post in this thread with your interest (if there is any) :)

Cheapest price I've found without quantity minimum's is $2.50USD + huge amounts of postage ..so my prices will be:

1 - 10: $2.20USD/each + postage
11 - 50: $2.00USD/each + postage

Postage will be $7.50USD to anywhere in the world (to be confirmed.. but definitely less than $10USD)

Sound fair? if you don't think so, let me know what you think would be a fair price and we'll see :)
so get over there if your interested, or you could post your orders here and I can put them up for you
dude, buy ALL of them, and then put them in the modretro store for us or better yet, get the guy to sell them in the modretro store himself, eliminating a middle man. and has it ever even been tested it that would work?
I'd be interested in maybe 4 of those. He just needs to know who might be interested, so just give him whatever numbers we come up with.

gamefreak13: These are the same RDRAM chips used in expansion paks and N64's after revision 4(?). A few members have done the replacement and it works. I remember Marshallh said that with this certain type of ram you can just daisy chain them.
All right, now we don't have to rip apart expansion paks! I would still need either a hot air gun or some ChipQuik though.
You can remove components(if you don't want them anymore) just by using a flathead screwdriver and smushing down on the pins, bending them back, freeing the part from the board.(do it hard, and then scrape across or destroy everything with a phillips head after) Go over it with some flux(if you need to) and a soldering iron to get rid of the ends of the pins, if you need to. (it works for me, at least)
mako321 said:
(if you don't want them anymore) (do it hard, and then scrape across or destroy everything with a phillips head after) (if you need to) (it works for me, at least)