Search results

  1. L

    Pocket Atari - lovablechevy's Flashback 2 in a 2600 cart

    completed March 15, 2016 so, the Pocket Atari was actually my 2nd planned project, fully planned out between 8-9 years ago by now. lol! i'm just now finally getting it finished. the Pocket Atari is an Atari Flashback 2 inside of a standard Atari 2600 cart, with controls, batteries, screen, and...
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    lovablechevy's HandyPNP - the Plug & Play portable!

    a long time ago in a forum far, far away… there was the first portabelooza ever held. while i attempted to take part with the Handy Gear, i was not able to get it done in time. however, one bacteria went on to make a first ever system: a multi mini console that would play all sorts of plug and...
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    HandyPNP - code name: green mushroom

    doing a secret project that i've had in planning for YEARS now. lol! here's a sneak peak! believe it or not, i only just started all this just 4 days ago on saturday. the top piece will be green, the bottom two pieces will stay white. same as how the HandyNES (red mushroom) was done...
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    PSM - Playstation Micro

    so, for a while, i've wanted to turn one of my psps into a dedicated console. i often hook my psp up to my tv using my component cable, but i really do hate the psp controls. so, anyway, all of this: is going to be made into my Playstation Micro aka PSM! just got some case work done so far...
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    HandyNES inspired by NES controller commission

    ok, so, back around mid may, i took on my first commission. i told my buyer that it should take me 1-2 months to complete if all went smoothly. of course that did not happen. i ran into all sorts of issues surrounding the nes2 board i was using. after about 4.5 months time, i gave up on that...
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    HandyNES commission

    well, hello, everyone! :) it's been a very long time. thought i'd show you all what i've been working on! :) i am hoping to get a huge chunk done this weekend. i really need to get it off to my buyer.
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    bunches of systems for sale that are great for modding

    hey guys! so i've finally been able to test out a bunch of systems i have. here is so far what i have that are tested and working: 4 - psone 6 - ps original 2 - ps original for parts only (both have broken cd spindles so i cannot do full testing) 1 - n64 with jumper pak 2 - ps2 fat (still need...
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    tons of video games on ebay

    hey guys! i'm doing a big clear out of my games. finally decided i just have way too many and needed to get rid of duplicates and games i'll never play. i've already listed them all up on ebay. have a gander if interested! lovablechevy's major ebay sale
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    HandyNES - lovablechevy's nes2 portable

    ok, so, back around the christmas time of 2008, rekarp and i decided to make some nes2 portables. the week of that christmas, i managed to get the case ~95% done. then, i happened to set it aside to finish up the HandyDuo, Handy Gear, and Nintenduo. at long last, i felt it was time to bring this...
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    Nintenduo - lovablechevy's nes/snes console

    so, i got really tired of the fact that my retro duo is a clone system. the fact that it isn’t 100% compatible really bothered me. and i wanted to be able to use my zapper to play duck hunt and the normal nes controllers for nes games in general. not to even mention the sound issues on the nes...
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    game gear to tv mods

    ok, it's about time that i get this info in here... as stated before, these mods are not for beginners. the soldering is small, extremely precise, and difficult. if you do not have great soldering skills, then you need to either pass this mod up or get to work on improving. make sure you read...
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    longhorn engineer's 7800 video mod ala lovablechevy

    the longhorn engineer requested that i review this board of his quite a while ago... it's about time i do that, i think. so i bought one of the unassembled atari 7800 video mods. here is what was inside the glorious package: the main reason i wanted to do this is that my hdtv no longer will...
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    Handy Gear - lovablechevy's ultimate Game Gear - finished!

    after about 3 months work, spread out over about 3 years... this is finally done! woot! the handy gear is the ultimate game gear. 5" screen, internal rechargeable batteries, recased, master gear converter hard wired on, many things removed to make the game gear able to run off 7.4v (and also...
  14. L

    HandyDuo - lovablechevy's first portable - finished!

    *edit for those who aren't aware. i did not work on this constantly for the 2+ years. it sat in storage for well over 1 year of that time. probably closer to 1.5 years. the remainder of it i worked on and off on it. all in all, this probably took me a max of 6 months to do. and that was only due...