Zenith screen


Well-Known Member
Ok, So I looked on amazon, and I came to this screen: Link Hidden
It looks like the actual screen, but it has that stupid kill switch on the bottom. Think theres a way to just, take it off?

Im doubting, since the power and such are at the bottom, ive looked for the plugs, and can't see any.
It'll work, but I suggest you remove your link. Someone may buy it right under your nose. I'm very tempted myself... :twisted:
Okay, how am I supposed to figure out if it works or not if I don't know what it is?
Good thing I didn't buy it, then. :sweat:

Meh, there's a link to an ebay seller who sells them for $43 shipped. Not sure if he ships to Canada, though,
The cheapest I've seen a PSone/Zenith screen is vpgames.com for $40 or so, plus shipping. I believe they ship to Canada, might be expensive though. Buy from vpgames.com, not their eBay store. It's cheaper.
umm actually it is more expensive, nobody looks at shipping prices anymore i guess?

$39.85 + $8.29 shipping = 48.14$ when the one on ebay is about 43$ shipped
Joeyjoe9876 said:
umm actually it is more expensive, nobody looks at shipping prices anymore i guess?

$39.85 + $8.29 shipping = 48.14$ when the one on ebay is about 43$ shipped

I meant the one from vpgames eBay store, not eBay in general.
i got my zenith screen in the original box with car adapter for 28$ plus 4$ shipping.

i thought that was to much :shock: