zenith screen problems...


Frequent Poster
opened up my zenith screen i got today and when i went to hook up some composite to it, the picture is blank and when i shut off the source of the composite signal the screen flashes and stays blank, i've tried all the spots where you can put composite and its all a no-go..
anyone got any idea what might have gone wrong?

also i am using the wii as my composite source and the PSone power supply
yes.. well i still can't get picture to show up :/ try that little power board with the PSone power supply and just the power supply and no dice..
I know its weird but my screen did the same thing. Its kinda like its asleep. What I did was put the daughter board back on and shock the screen. I touched the positive terminal of the sreen to the negative side of the power supply or battery for not even a second and then tried to power it up again.
Have you made sure that your ribbon cable is inserted correctly and that the clamp is closed down?
I understand, nobble :P.

Joey. Check your voltage, try not putting the 5v through, do what Jidan said, and if you cut the screen at all maked sure you have the ground connected for the two halves of the board. Also make sure that you have the ground coming in from the a/v signals going to the right pin