Zen64 work log!

OH, wait, I think I was misunderstanding something. You mean if I wire up to the U8 chip, I don't need to rewire the front traces?


So, when I use this pinout, I wire the Player 1 controls, and what else? Pin 1 to PIF 15, Pin 4 to PIF 17, grounds to ground, etc.? If so, I'll definitely need some thinner wire. All my stuff is like double to the thickness of those pins. :oops:

So just rewiring the U8 like that will solve my woes? :gonk: :D
Well if you only need P1 there's a handy little solder point above the chip going to the PIF. (just follow the trace above the pin) Then you only need 3.3v and ground. :wink:
But if I solder Player 1 controls to the U8 chip, do I need to rewire the front traces? I don't get it.

Normally if you don't have a controller plugged in, the system will boot fine. I know those front traces can't be controller data, unless maybe they send data from the U8 that to the PIF chip. So I know that I need to solder all the regular stuff for Player 1, like data, power and ground, but what about the other pins on the U8 chip, the ones label PIF in the diagram? Do those need to be rewired for the system to work properly?
The two between the expansion slot and LED need not be rewired if you U8, however, the two on the back of the board that you also cut do need rewiring.
Thanks Bud, and βeta. I rewired those two traces on the back, now all is good. I still need to get smaller gauge wire before I U8, but that'll be a quick trip to Ratshack. And now since I can drive, I don't have to wait any Dang more. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :twisted:
I wired temporarily to the U8 chip, everything is working perfectly. For now, I will have all the extra wires disconnected while I try fitting everything into the case.

However, change in plans for the case. It's just a wee bit too tiny, and I noticed that some of the sides were slanted slightly. The WaterWeld isn't holding up as well as I had hoped, it's starting to crumble off. I was angered.

So, I went down to my local Tap Plastics, and they cut up a sheet of ABS for me, for free. It cost me six bucks, for a case that is 4.5 x 6.5 inches, and 1.5 inches thick.


It has ABS cement drying in the inside corners right now, it should be done drying by tomorrow. While that dries, I'm going to start cutting out holes for the front plate. I also bought some stuff to make acrylic screwposts, which screwed in from the opposite side they will stand on, and will be reinforced with more ABS cement or JB Weld. I also bought the real JB Weld today.
The love is mutual, my friends! <3333

I didn't have to work for two days in a row, so I had a ton of time to work. I'll be working until Monday. I have a goal to be finished by Friday, but who knows what'll happen. Sanding and paint the case will be what takes me the longest.
I'll be putting this project on hold for a little while. I am trying desperately to get my car to pass the visual inspection of it's smog examination. It passes all emissions limits, but it fails the visual inspection because of some loose hoses. I ain't car smart, do I can't tell where they go. What's a guy to do. :gonk:
Well, I'm Dang bored, and I don't work again till Saturday. I have the entire day to attempt RCP wiring my system. If I manage to do that, then I have an even better case I can use. :3

Oh ya, triple post FTW :demonpie:
Well, a couple of days ago I wanted to try RCP wiring. This was a good idea, but I didn't think I had any wire that was thin enough to use without bridging some pins on the RCP by accident. I did find some thin IDE wire, but the stuff was stranded.


This was an alright job, but the strands in the wire want to come undone while I'm soldering them. The wires on the left most side of the pic sorta show that. I'm worried that this will cause a short, so I'm just going to go and buy some 30 gauge solid core wire before I continue.
I cannot RCP wire at all. The stranded wire went better than solid core, solid core seems to want to break off. I'm not sure about using flux, because it'll be hard to clean out afterward. UGH

I am really considering giving up AGAIN, but I know that other than RCP wiring the system, the rest is easy as pie.
Don't worry Zen, just use stranded and use that camera as a magnifying lens :D. BTW, what camera is that? It looks :awesome:.

- mymixed
Naw, stranded can have little strands poking out that are annoying to get rid of and cause shorts. Just use some solid core ~28AWG wire. It's like stranded because it's so thin, but doesn't fray. I haven't had any problems getting solder to bond with it. You can just lay it down right on top or next to the pin and it won't get in the way of other pins.
Canceled until further notice, having too much difficulty soldering to the chips, blah blah.

Mostly been too tired to work on this. It will remain in the graveyard box until I get some time off.