ModRetro Legend
Well, I have a bunch of crap that I don't really need/want anymore, so I've decided to try this again. I don't expect it to be any more successful than the last, though. I'm going to try to getI have PayPal, so you don't have to send me cash anymore. Trades are good too. All prices listed are negotiable and do not include shipping. This is also kind of a reference for me; I may post this on BenHeck as well or even sell on eBay.
In order of prority/want:
XBOX Component Cables (NOT 360)
XBOX 360 (Livebanned is fine, must be complete)
XBOX (original)
SNES (first revision is preferable)
PS1 Screen (as always)
Retro Duo or FC3 Plus
NES Stuff
Ice Hockey - Cartridge Only - $5
Tecmo Bowl - Cartridge Only - $5
Captain Skyhawk - Cartridge Only - contacts sanded clean and case not screwed together - $2
Genesis Stuff
Sega Genesis. Modded with blue LED, JAP/ENG and 50/60hz switches. Includes power and AV cable and 3-button controller. Open to serious offers.
6-Button Controller (Generic) - Clone of official 6-button, good condition - $5
6-Button Controller (Performance) - Good condition, longer cord? - $10
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Cartridge only - 2 available - $5
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Cartridge and case - $8
Thunder Force II - Cartridge and case - $8
Outrun 2019 - Complete, but case is in somewhat rough shape - $10
Sonic The Hedgehog - Sega Classics version, - $25
Sonic The Hedgehog - Cartridge only, BROKEN - FREE WITH PURCHASE OF OTHER STUFF
Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition - Cartridge only - $10
Batman Returns - Cartridge only - $5
N64 Stuff
AV Cables, power supplies, jumper paks. I have a few extras I'm willing to part with, but these are a dime a dozen. Offer.
Controllers. I have a few extra first party ones in grey and Atomic Purple. Again, offer.
Goldeneye 007 - Cartridge only. One of the clips holding it together is broken, but it works fine - $15
NHL 99 - Cartridge only - $10
TremorPak Plus - Not sure if I want to let go of it. If your offer is good, though, I'll sell it.
Playstation Stuff
Playstation. Has a white power LED, just because. SCPH-7001 with serial and parallel ports. I'll throw in AV cables and a power cord but I don't have any controllers I'm willing to part with. Asking $20
PS2. It's covered in graffiti and doesn't read discs. It's been opened a lot, and in fact is currently not screwed together. If you want, I'll screw it back together and throw in a replacement laser that didn't work. $10 alone, $25 with cables.
AV Cables - I can part with one set. Offer.
PS1 Memory Card (Performance) - Grey, unmodded, clean and in good condition - $5
PS1 Memory Card (Sony) - Clear and modded with blue LED - $10
PS2 Network Adaptor Start-up Disc - Don't know if it works, but comes with both startup disc and demo disc in good condition - $10
Dreamcast Stuff
NFL 2K - $15
NHL 2K - $15
Chu Chu Rocket - NEW, SEALED - $25
Gamecube Stuff
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle - No manual, case is in bad shape but disc is okay - $8
Enter The Matrix - No manual - $8
Need For Speed Underground - Includes manual - $10
DS/Gameboy Stuff
Call of Duty 4 (DS) - Complete, good condition - $20
Pokemon Diamond (DS) - Complete, barely used - $20
Iridion 3D (GBA) - Complete (CIB the right term?) - $10
PC Games
Command and Conquer Generals - Cosmi version in little box, but I'll put it in a case if it makes you feel better. No manual, never was one. DOES NOT INCLUDE ZERO HOUR! - $5
Medal Of Honor 10th Anniversary Collection - Includes Allied Assault and expansions, Pacific Assault, and Airborne. Barely used. - $15
Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault - No case, manual, or CD key - $5
Medal Of Honor Allied Assault - No case, manual, or CD key - $5
Battlefield 1942 - No case, manual, or CD key. Includes Road To Rome expansion pack. - $5
Battlefield Vietnam Redux - No case, manual, or CD key - $5
Intellivision TV Game. It's one of those game-in-a-controller things. I took it apart ages ago, but if you want me to I'll put it back together. $5
Half an XBOX RF modulator. The half with the actual RF modulator- no XBOX plug. Useful for hacking, not so useful for hooking up your XBOX. Offer.
In order of prority/want:
XBOX Component Cables (NOT 360)
XBOX 360 (Livebanned is fine, must be complete)
XBOX (original)
SNES (first revision is preferable)
PS1 Screen (as always)
Retro Duo or FC3 Plus
NES Stuff

Ice Hockey - Cartridge Only - $5
Tecmo Bowl - Cartridge Only - $5
Captain Skyhawk - Cartridge Only - contacts sanded clean and case not screwed together - $2
Genesis Stuff

Sega Genesis. Modded with blue LED, JAP/ENG and 50/60hz switches. Includes power and AV cable and 3-button controller. Open to serious offers.
6-Button Controller (Generic) - Clone of official 6-button, good condition - $5
6-Button Controller (Performance) - Good condition, longer cord? - $10

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Cartridge only - 2 available - $5
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Cartridge and case - $8
Thunder Force II - Cartridge and case - $8
Outrun 2019 - Complete, but case is in somewhat rough shape - $10
Sonic The Hedgehog - Sega Classics version, - $25
Sonic The Hedgehog - Cartridge only, BROKEN - FREE WITH PURCHASE OF OTHER STUFF
Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition - Cartridge only - $10
Batman Returns - Cartridge only - $5
N64 Stuff

AV Cables, power supplies, jumper paks. I have a few extras I'm willing to part with, but these are a dime a dozen. Offer.
Controllers. I have a few extra first party ones in grey and Atomic Purple. Again, offer.
Goldeneye 007 - Cartridge only. One of the clips holding it together is broken, but it works fine - $15
NHL 99 - Cartridge only - $10
TremorPak Plus - Not sure if I want to let go of it. If your offer is good, though, I'll sell it.
Playstation Stuff

Playstation. Has a white power LED, just because. SCPH-7001 with serial and parallel ports. I'll throw in AV cables and a power cord but I don't have any controllers I'm willing to part with. Asking $20
PS2. It's covered in graffiti and doesn't read discs. It's been opened a lot, and in fact is currently not screwed together. If you want, I'll screw it back together and throw in a replacement laser that didn't work. $10 alone, $25 with cables.
AV Cables - I can part with one set. Offer.
PS1 Memory Card (Performance) - Grey, unmodded, clean and in good condition - $5
PS1 Memory Card (Sony) - Clear and modded with blue LED - $10
PS2 Network Adaptor Start-up Disc - Don't know if it works, but comes with both startup disc and demo disc in good condition - $10
Dreamcast Stuff

NFL 2K - $15
NHL 2K - $15
Chu Chu Rocket - NEW, SEALED - $25
Gamecube Stuff

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle - No manual, case is in bad shape but disc is okay - $8
Enter The Matrix - No manual - $8
Need For Speed Underground - Includes manual - $10
DS/Gameboy Stuff
Call of Duty 4 (DS) - Complete, good condition - $20
Pokemon Diamond (DS) - Complete, barely used - $20
Iridion 3D (GBA) - Complete (CIB the right term?) - $10
PC Games

Command and Conquer Generals - Cosmi version in little box, but I'll put it in a case if it makes you feel better. No manual, never was one. DOES NOT INCLUDE ZERO HOUR! - $5
Medal Of Honor 10th Anniversary Collection - Includes Allied Assault and expansions, Pacific Assault, and Airborne. Barely used. - $15
Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault - No case, manual, or CD key - $5
Medal Of Honor Allied Assault - No case, manual, or CD key - $5
Battlefield 1942 - No case, manual, or CD key. Includes Road To Rome expansion pack. - $5
Battlefield Vietnam Redux - No case, manual, or CD key - $5
Intellivision TV Game. It's one of those game-in-a-controller things. I took it apart ages ago, but if you want me to I'll put it back together. $5
Half an XBOX RF modulator. The half with the actual RF modulator- no XBOX plug. Useful for hacking, not so useful for hooking up your XBOX. Offer.