XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab [2015 Hardware Upgrade!]

Re: XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab

A bit of a progress update. It's coming along nicely. It might be finished before the end of the summer, we'll see.


The stripe is on the CP now. A bit different than what I envisioned but it looks pretty good. My dad did this. It's not perfect- there's some bleed and a bit of blue paint near one of the screwholes but it's okay. It looks fine from a few feet away, and all the attention will be on the screen while you're playing anyway.


Modded power supply. It was tricky getting the wires onto the switch- it was hard to get at and even harder to hold everything in place. I think I did a good enough job- remember this is AC and there will be a significant amount of power flowing through it. The ground wire was easy- I soldered a ring connector on it and put it on the existing ground post (grounds the case) with another nut. Thankfully I remembered to feed the cable through the hole FIRST, or I would have had to redo it. If I do this again, I think I'll either use suitcase connectors or cut the wire and solder them all together.


The port panel. This pic is a bit outdate as it now has the USB ports installed and is mounted to the back of the cab. The USB jacks were fairly easy, though the holes are huge and inaccurate and I had to add a washer since the screws won't go all the way through (one is still a bit wobbly). The network jack was a bit more challenging. It's just an RJ45 coupler- there is literally no way to mount it. So I cut and filed a more accurate hole, jammed it in from the back as far as it would go, and then added an L-shaped piece of plastic screwed to the panel and glued and zip-tied to the jack. It's pretty solid now. The reset button is just hot-glued in to a semi-tight hole. Hopefully it won't be used much. The USB cables are BARELY long enough to reach the motherboard, but the LAN and reset cables are fine. In addition to this panel, the power button and monitor control board will be mounted under the CP box and there will be a USB extension dangling under one of the wings (hidden of course). The volume control is still on the audio amp, which will be mounted on one side of the back.


The original speaker grille idea. It's a drain cover for a sink. These are dollar store junk- really easy to bend. It doesn't look bad in this picture.


This is one of the speaker grilles off of the speakers. It's a nice shape, and the colour is perfect. A side effect is that it will have a larger but trapezoidal marquee. That will be fun to mount.


We did find a use for it, though. This is a 120mm fan, which will be mounted to the back. It's just about a perfect fit. Fan on the inside, cover on the outside (hole in the middle). The back will have two drawer handles on it, to keep it away from the wall.


The monitor mounted easily. It doesn't look like this anymore- the monitor has been removed for building the bezel or something and the control panel has been taken out so I can mount and wire the controls. That should be fun.

So, at this point we have to build the bezel, back cover, and the bottom of the CP box. The top piece with the speakers and marquee hasn't even been started yet. I have to mount and wire the controls. Somewhere in or after that we have to round the edges and paint the thing. There's a ways to go still, but it's getting there.
Re: XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab

Controls are mounted.


The joysticks are Seimitsu LS-32 with standard balltops in white, the action buttons are Seimitsu 24mm screw-in (I forget the name) and the small buttons are similar to RadioShack ones. Everything is installed but not wired yet. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.


This is the back panel. Because I'm stupid or something, I painted the bottom parts black so they won't match the rest of the cab. That's okay, it's the back. I don't know why there's green tape over the port panel. Anyway, you can see the L-shaped motherboard tray rails and the cleat/rail/whatever things for the monitor mount. And yes, that is part of the case cut out and stuck there. Believe it or not, my dad did that, not me.
Re: XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab

Pics today!


I don't have any pictures of the disassembly, sorry! The controllers were held together by six screws, all philips. These are actually really good to hack. The pads are all copper and not carbon, and everything is labeled. I used some random foam as a sort of standoff.


I actually did the P2 side first. You can sort of see how I did it. Joystick first, because one of the connections was right next to the board. Then I did the small buttons, and then the main buttons. I tested and found two connections swapped. Oops. I fixed it right away.


The electrical tape was starting to peel, so I redid it with cable ties and hot glue. P1 was done with those in the first place. I really wish I had some CAT5 cable- it would have made the joystick wiring a lot cleaner. I used ribbon cable and cable ties instead. This side is probably more organized. This time I had one shorted button. It took seconds to fix.

I abondoned the USB hub. I just have to remember to plug in P1 first, then P2.
Re: XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab

Currently filling, sanding, filling. More accurately, my dad is filling and sanding while I stand there and... you don't want to know.
Re: XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab

I cut out the fan holes with my Dremel and circle cutter attachment, it was fun. I also made a little power bar for the fans.


Re: XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab

With these kinds of projects where you really have nothing to do, or waiting on some kind of part, or whatever, you will usually find yourself thinking of ANYTHING you can add to it. This is how I thought to put an extra heatsink, temp monitor, and fans/24v batteries on my weed whacker bike. This can also be a bad thing, though, because you will want to start adding unnecessary things, just so you can work on it.

Watch out.
Re: XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab

Not quite done, still needs a marquee, but it's put together and playable.


Painting is done in this picture. You can see the monitor in the background.


Monitor and motherboard tray are in. You can see the hard drive mount thingy, power supply, and bread-shaped panel cutout.


Wiring almost finished, a huge mess. This part was both fun and a pain in the ass. You can sort of see how the hard drive goes in, and how the wires are routed.


CP is in and computer is booting. We had some trouble with it. The P1 and P2 controls were swapped. Turned out it matters what USB port they are plugged into. I guess lower number USB port=controller 1. Plugging the cables in is a real pain because the video card gets in the way. Also, the light flickered and died shortly after this picture was taken. It got hot and smelled really bad. Guess it couldn't take the "6V" from the power brick. Next time, I'll run it off 5V from the PC. We also found out the fans are kind of loud. It's fine during gameplay as it gets drowned out, but it's kind of annoying in the menus.

I may make a video some time soon.
Re: XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab

That looks really well built, but the paint design is amateur as Heck.
Re: XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab

Or, make it all white instead of that beigeish white
Re: XCVG's Bartop Candy Cab

It's actually not beige at all. It's a slightly greyish white that looks almost pure white in here. Anyway, I don't think I'll get the video done until Monday or Tuesday.