Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable
Welp, speaking from experience, just because that's what it's rated at doesn't mean that's what it draws, so it's only as viable as the actual measurements someone has made which currently amount to none unless someone did it and didn't tell me. Then again I haven't looked for any and have never opened an Xbox.
If anyone wants to say it's impossible or dumb, then you should have more viable evidence to back it up. A loooot of people don't even know that the original xbox has been not only A. powered off of batteries but B. made into a handheld portable before. To give you a grasp of how long ago that was, take modretro's age(3,) double it(6,) and you're CLOSE. I wasn't even a portablizer yet, hot Dang that's a long time ago.
Anyways, yeah those numbers look strikingly similar to the ones ttsgeb gave me about the original xbox in an earlier discussion, so who's to say we don't have a gamecube/wii situation on our hands here? I think it's viable, feasible, and you might not have to pay out the ass for it either. I'm thinking Ben might've worked all this out and never said anything(that's his style after all.) Seeing as how out of everyone we chose to associate with he's been the only one to dick with 360's over and over and not really accomplish anything but who's to say he actually looked into the idea instead of just throwing it away like most common portablizers do.
But hey, if you prefer, we could all be toting around gigantic GCp's with 12v batteries and disc drives, N64p's that barely fit in a backpack let alone a pocket, and post our original-n64-case-with-control-flanks designs on Portables of Doom!