Xbox360 portable " new pictures" New gameplay video

Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

Looks great! However, I won't believe its real until I see some internal shots. It looks entirely possible for it to be real, but I've seen enough fake things on the internet to be skeptical. Nothing personal, and I am 80% sure its the real deal, just would like some confirmation (and I'm really curious to see how you crammed everything in).
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

That hurts that your only 80% sure, I was hoping atlease 90% :) Its real, I dont post fake stuff.. This is whats under the hood:
7" screen
modified heatsink
custom power supply
2 USB ports
xbox slim motherboard
3 40mm fans and 2 30mm fans
20 gig hard drive (old one I had)
All of that stuffed into a vacuum formed case..
And love...
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

Don't listen to the groosaffarian, video worked just fine for me.

You probably could have gotten away with 2 or 3 high powered cells over at

And they wouldn't have changed this overall size of the portable that much. If you put them in, it will truly be the first working Xbox 360 portable. Still, good job. I'd love to see pics of the internals.
Just finished Xbox360 portable

Great job CVG watched the video and was amazed, can't wait to see more. And like what Tchay said, I would love to see some pics of the internals if u don't mind. I would be really interested in how u got the motherboard in that case. Full size or trimmed? Regardless just pure awesomeness :)
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

Very nice work :) Look really good.


Did you use VGA or composite output for the 7" screen and what did you use for audio amp?

Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

Internal shots are a must, and no i'm not doubting you, I just wanna see.
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

wallydawg said:
Is this the first X360 portable mod that isn't a laptop or WVI?
To the best of my knowledge, yeah.

Looks good, and add me to the list of people who wanna see inside.
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

As a person that has spent hundreds of hours working on Xboxen


EDIT: I didn't realize it was that big when I put it in there, but it is funnier this way.
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

I think while running a game Xbox 360 Slim can draw up to ~110 Watts of power.

The power supply rates at the following:

Output voltage: DC 135W , ~10.83 A

So I do not think it is viable to even try to put batteries in. With the size and weight of decent battery (not to mention a steep price) I think he went the right way.
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

Welp, speaking from experience, just because that's what it's rated at doesn't mean that's what it draws, so it's only as viable as the actual measurements someone has made which currently amount to none unless someone did it and didn't tell me. Then again I haven't looked for any and have never opened an Xbox.

If anyone wants to say it's impossible or dumb, then you should have more viable evidence to back it up. A loooot of people don't even know that the original xbox has been not only A. powered off of batteries but B. made into a handheld portable before. To give you a grasp of how long ago that was, take modretro's age(3,) double it(6,) and you're CLOSE. I wasn't even a portablizer yet, hot Dang that's a long time ago.

Anyways, yeah those numbers look strikingly similar to the ones ttsgeb gave me about the original xbox in an earlier discussion, so who's to say we don't have a gamecube/wii situation on our hands here? I think it's viable, feasible, and you might not have to pay out the ass for it either. I'm thinking Ben might've worked all this out and never said anything(that's his style after all.) Seeing as how out of everyone we chose to associate with he's been the only one to dick with 360's over and over and not really accomplish anything but who's to say he actually looked into the idea instead of just throwing it away like most common portablizers do.

But hey, if you prefer, we could all be toting around gigantic GCp's with 12v batteries and disc drives, N64p's that barely fit in a backpack let alone a pocket, and post our original-n64-case-with-control-flanks designs on Portables of Doom! :awesome:

Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

I found a site that tested the 360 slim and says it draws 88w in game (probably depends on the game). So you're looking at just under 100w after you add in the screen. Completely possible to power off batteries, but not very practical.

I wasn't saying that this is fake or impossible, I just like to be skeptical.

And its a good excuse to ask for pics of the insides. :P
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

ShockSlayer said:
Anyways, yeah those numbers look strikingly similar to the ones ttsgeb gave me about the original xbox in an earlier discussion

I was telling you that the 360 Slim's brick would be great for powering it off of. It's the same numbers. :P
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

I know everyone is thinking "How did he do this"theres now way you can cram all that stuff in that case, and way did he do it... Everyone knows you can only make the portable as small as the motherboard. The xbox360 silm motherboard is 8.5" x 8.5" so that makes it atlease 8.5" from top to bottom. Then we have to make it alittle wider to fit in the controlls and such. The biggest problem you have with something like this is cooling. If you can get pass this part everything is downhill. Next is how are you going to power it because you know you want something smaller then what you already have. Then after you got all of that down what are you gonig to use for a screen and what size. For sound I use a ipod speaker that had a built in amp. When you get all of that together you build your custom case for it. I think vacuum forming is the best way to go. You can be so creative when you vacuum form...

This project was done just to do it, because I knew It could be done and I was tired of seeing all the laptops. It could be ran on batteries but that would cost about $600+, something I didn't want to spend on it. Most games run about 100w average. I just wanted something I could sit on the couch or in the back yard and play my xbox. I'll post pictures later in the week of some of the insides because I know everyone is dieing to see them.
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

CVG said:
This project was done just to do it, because I knew It could be done and I was tired of seeing all the laptops.

I think I love you now.

Also, I didn't realize that the 360 Slim mobo is smaller than the OG Xbox's. That's awesome. :D
Re: Just finished Xbox360 portable

In the time it is taking you to post trying to justify what you have done, you could just as easily post some pics of the internals.

And how about a video that actually shows gameplay on the portable ?