Well-Known Member
Hello I am in the process of finishing a SNES portable. I am willing to trade it for a Red DMG with a red backlight and prosound like this one. ... 414c94cc9c
It could be that one if you wanted to buy it to save time. But I also need a red bleep bloop cart and a dmg to keyboard adapter.
Here's a picture of the SNESp.
I am almost done building it so it should be done by the time you are finished getting all the stuff. All i need to do is wire up the battery pack and get a snes and install it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask.
EDIT:I changed what I need. I want a Red or black prosound/led backlight DMG. A Bleepbloop cart in red or black (corresponding to the gameboy) and $125. This is for a finished SNESp or if you want to take it as is, then it will be everything except only $50 instead of $125. Prices are negotiable. ... 414c94cc9c
It could be that one if you wanted to buy it to save time. But I also need a red bleep bloop cart and a dmg to keyboard adapter.
Here's a picture of the SNESp.

I am almost done building it so it should be done by the time you are finished getting all the stuff. All i need to do is wire up the battery pack and get a snes and install it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask.
EDIT:I changed what I need. I want a Red or black prosound/led backlight DMG. A Bleepbloop cart in red or black (corresponding to the gameboy) and $125. This is for a finished SNESp or if you want to take it as is, then it will be everything except only $50 instead of $125. Prices are negotiable.