GameCube Révolutionary
So yea, I had planned on using these in some portables but have now decided instead to see if anyone else would want them first. Asking price is 45$ for each unit + shipping costs. If you plan on using for a GCp I can even wire up the drives directly to the pads and label the pins for you to make things easier for you. The 12v line on these drives is confirmed working as low as 7.4v so they are still great for GCp's or Wiip's. Both drives are brand new Wii D3S revision drives (with the small daughter board). Top loading spindles already installed. Pics below were taken before I had installed the spindles though.
I also have 2 sundrivers I will part with for 20$ each + Shipping
I also have 2 sundrivers I will part with for 20$ each + Shipping