WTS: PSoneP case


Frequent Poster
I am never going to be able to finish this due to no funding and not having anywhere to do modding anymore.

So someone buy it and finish it up! :dahroll:

Here is how it should look all finished up!


The case (as in the second picture)
Original non-analog style PS1 controller PCB and buttons
PSone innerds
Power supply
A/V cable
So that, batteries, and a screen is all this needs (plus a little casework to install the screen) for this to be a fully-functional PS1?
Well since it's the original case, you don't need any casework for the screen. Just screw a psone screen on normally.
Ok come one now, how about I start the bidding at uhhh...

$50 seems fair for all the work that went into it and the fact that its a working PS1 and such?
Interested at all in trading? I've got a first-generation 16gb iPod touch with a mediocre battery and wifi that will only work if it's in a good mood.
Snipeye said:
Interested at all in trading? I've got a first-generation 16gb iPod touch with a mediocre battery and wifi that will only work if it's in a good mood.

Well, problem is I have absolutely no money.

I would be happy to trade if you can cover my shipping.
xD, I'm totally broke atm, too. Funny how that seems to happen to us modders...

Any particular reason why you chose not to continue this?
epicelite said:
So nobody wants this?
Its just going to continue to sit in my closet for years. :(
Uh hello, I posted a few days ago at least saying im interested...