WTS Laptop


Active Member
So I got a new laptop and want to sell my old one, see this thread for some pics http://gbatemp.net/threads/would-anyone ... op.335350/ , the silver painted cover comes off easily , and the keyboard as well, since I have takin it apart numerous times, the power is hard wired to the adapter as the plug port had a lot of wear and didn't create a good connection, battery has about 2.5-3.5 hrs.


1.9Ghz Dual core processor Turion AMD( I think Turion)
No HDD or dd stole it to use with my PS3
15.6" Screen
Wifi adapter

Just throw in a HDD and install windows 7 and your ready to go !

I was selling it on GBATemp but the guy never got back to me about it . $60 +Shipping takes it