WTS: 10ah 14.8v li-polys, Charger, protection circuit $80


#1 Female Member
I have 10 amp hour, 14.8v batteries. (4 cells) I also have the charger, protection circuit, and batteryspace fuel gauge. Its all pretty much brand new. Pics, measurements on request. Make an offer. I need money more than I need to sell these for what the are worth, so make offers, even if they are low.

I would also buy or trade for an 11.1v smart charger/circuit.
WTS: 10ah 14.8v li-polys, Charger, protection circuit

Did you buy them online? (if not I feel pretty dumb making that assumption) otherwise could you PM a pic with something for a size comparison like a coin or a game, and give me like a max price too?
Re: WTS: 10ah 14.8v li-polys, Charger, protection circuit

I bought em online on ebay. I'll take some pics when I get home. As for price, As I recall I payed like 100$ shipped for the cells. And the charger plus protection circuit and fuel gauge were like $50, but Ive revised my PCP design and I may want to keep the charger. I shll let you know.
Re: WTS: 10ah 14.8v li-polys, Charger, protection circuit

Sorry for the delay. Cells are each ~9x2.5x.25". They are basically brand new. Only have one charge cycle on em. Kinda ugly, but they came taped up tight as Heck, and they got a bit wrinkled when I took em apart. And have some tape residue. Work excellent. I just tested for voltage and all, they be fine.

Id take $115 shipped easy.
Re: WTS: 10ah 14.8v li-polys, Charger, protection circuit

Shame. It woulda been sweet to have an n64p with 50 hours of battery life..
Re: WTS: 10ah 14.8v li-polys, Charger, protection circuit $8

Bump for price drop and need to sell. $80 shipped for all of it.
Re: WTS: 10ah 14.8v li-polys, Charger, protection circuit $8

at $80 shipped I would, but I'd need to know how to wire it into a n64p before I'd buy it, because the only diagram I know says no more than 12V.
Re: WTS: 10ah 14.8v li-polys, Charger, protection circuit $8

Actually I reckon you could wire it normally. Im not sure what the voltage input of the pth0808s are, but the 7805 will take 40v in, so thats fine.
Re: WTS: 10ah 14.8v li-polys, Charger, protection circuit $8

can I call dibs I can pay once Palmer pays me.