WTB:Psone screenS (2x)

Re: WTB: Ps2 slim and Psone screenS (2x)

so you want two ps2 slim's and two psone screens?

do you want controllers,memory cards, games or anything else with that?

be oar specific :dah:
Re: WTB: Ps2 slim and Psone screenS (2x)

just 1 ps2 slim, not really sure if i need all the cords considering I'm just gunna make a portable outa it. Probably helpful tho to make sure i can test it along the way on the tv before iget it running on battery. Definitely need the controllers, but games arent necessary. I'd like to find kingdom hearts 1 and 2 and ffXII,VII, and IX. Sorry for the confusion
Re: WTB: Ps2 slim and Psone screenS (2x)

irish360 said:
just 1 ps2 slim, not really sure if i need all the cords considering I'm just gunna make a portable outa it. Probably helpful tho to make sure i can test it along the way on the tv before iget it running on battery. Definitely need the controllers, but games arent necessary. I'd like to find kingdom hearts 1 and 2 and ffXII,VII, and IX. Sorry for the confusion
ebay is probably your best bet. :wink:

or you could go to gamestop and get a refurb ps2 slim, 1 controller, cables, and 1 memcard, for 60 bucks. :P
Re: WTB: Ps2 slim and Psone screenS (2x)

see the probably is im a real joo (no offense to anyone) and i just hate to spend 60$ for something i fee is worth like 35-40, ive seen some sell on craigslist, but im always afraid to buy stuff on there for fear i'll get to the house and be raped and murdered :neutral2:
Re: WTB: Ps2 slim and Psone screenS (2x)

irish360 said:
see the probably is im a real joo (no offense to anyone) and i just hate to spend 60$ for something i fee is worth like 35-40, ive seen some sell on craigslist, but im always afraid to buy stuff on there for fear i'll get to the house and be raped and murdered :neutral2:
gee.tha could be an issue. im glad i dont elect to pay what i think a ps2 is worth. id end up broke! :dahroll:
well i guess patience and craigslist are a virtue. Got a ps2 slim 2x controllers for 20$. Did have to pick it up in the dead of night, but i made sure if i wasnt back in 30 min, my friend had the police on speed dial lol.