

Frequent Poster
I am looking for:
10 DMG's
3-5 Gameboy Pocket's
3-6 Gameboy color's
also a Gameboy light,Pokemon Green(japan release only I think) and,anyother pokemon games either fake or real.
Have About $200-$300 to spend So looking to spend about $10-15 on each thing (doesn't include Gameboy light) .

2 Days to respond or else I'll go to my sources. :?
They Can be offers for just 1 Gameboy just need to get at least 10 offers to be safe.
I have a backlit black DMG, as well as a backlit grey one. I did a dual hex inversion for great contrast.



I also have countless GB Pockets without LCDs. I have a Game Boy Light too, but it'll take a Dang good price to pry it off of me.
I have a color that has a line in the screen, probally just needs to be replaced or needs the ribbon cable re-inserted as i did just take it apart. how much you looking to spend? and i can also include my pokemon red and gold if you want.
epic just pm him his address. you never know someone might buy a subscription to playboy and send it to your house :P

thats not really a bad thing though is it? :rofl:
Joeyjoe9876 said:
epic just pm him his address. you never know someone might buy a subscription to playboy and send it to your house :P

thats not really a bad thing though is it? :rofl:

Well *Can'tSayThisOnTV* I hit the PM button.

But hay if anyone wants to send me free stuff go for it. :3