

Frequent Poster
I'm looking for GBA and DS flash carts.
I don't care how sucky they are I just need one of each for my Ds. :awesome:

Tell me your price.
Dude, you can get both very cheaply. The Acekard 2i is only like $12, and GBA Flashcarts are $15.
NO! There's still A flashcart, it just sucks so badly that you wouldnt even vaguely want to use it. I mean, come on, it's got something like 128 megabytes! Come on, that's horrible!
Thanks Joey :awesome:
Anybody got a micro Sd I could buy cheap?
I don't have any money on hand only in paypal so can go to the store.
MicroSD flash carts are flax flax flax

Enjoy load times insufficient in contrast to traditional flash carts
Bibin said:
MicroSD flash carts are flux flux flux

Enjoy load times insufficient in contrast to traditional flash carts

This is not true. It all depends on the SD card, and on the flashcart.

My Kingston EZFlashIV with a Kingston Jap batch 2gb MicroSD? Very, very fast. It has 32mb of onboard memory to load the ROM into, works very well.
Why did DX get rid of their flash carts? Omg wanted to buy some moar. Glad I got my supercard in the nick of time!
Maybe now they'll have a lot less orders and actually start shipping things on time. :awesome:

A man can dream, can't he?