WTB: Dreamcast Portable

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There's so few DCp's that I doubt anyone has one for sale. You will probably have to commission one; ironically hail is one of the only guys here who could do a good one :P
DK  said:
There's so few DCp's that I doubt anyone has one for sale. You will probably have to commission one; ironically hail is one of the only guys here who could do a good one :P

I don't like Hail's attitude, and zenloc replied back to me saying that he has never made a DCp before so he can't give me pictures, however, that doesn't mean that zenloc wont do a good job at it. I just want to see pictures WITH the prices before I make up my mind.
Well hail's the only one here who's made a DCp and has pics and would do a commission for you. And tbh it doesn't seem hailrazer likes your attitude either, I know I don't.
my god, aceboy. you are all over the place, arent you? like, im clinically insane, and you seem more whack than me...

also, theres only like 5 dreamcast portables wordwide. you will need to commision one, unless hail feels like selling the dreamtrooper, which i doubt.
Why all the negative replies? Is it because I asked for a DCp with pictures? Or my true feelings towards hailraizer? Where is the hostility or harsh words in that?
aceboy, imma only tell you once, we appreciate your interest in these portables, but this is a modding site, not a site geared towards selling these things, though yes we do sell them from time to time.

At this point in time, anyone who would actually sell you anything would be irresponsible.

Hailrazer was attempting to be conversational, not inane or abusive.

Now cheer up or GTFO.

Hailrazer, avoiding the word filter, tsk tsk, yadda yadda.
robm said:
aceboy, imma only tell you once, we appreciate your interest in these portables, but this is a modding site, not a site geared towards selling these things, though yes we do sell them from time to time.

Did you get your moderator rank by being "friends for benefits" with the admins of this forum or what? How can the admins even put a Mod who can not read english? This is what I read in the Junkyard section

Need money? Or are you looking for parts? Sell your stuff and buy other people's stuff in here.

Now be quiet and post me the offers.
Actually, I'm going to lock this one too, as it's obviously not going to go anywhere.
Robm is a mod because he knows when to end flax like this.

If you want to make another thread, that is fine. Just know that you need to put a budget out there. Expect a DCp to cost you at least $700 or so, plus shipping all the way to Kuwait with good insurance and tracking. Most people who post threads like yours do not even have the money, and if you do, then you will need to pay for the commission up-front to prove it. Zenloc has a good record, but you need to understand that these are one-off works of art. From previous comments, you seem to expect some sort of multi-year warranty, and that is just not gonna happen.

Basically, you are not going to be taken seriously until you are putting money into someone's hands, so do not feel entitled to people trying to work out a deal with a flake.
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